Sunday, February 05, 2006

I-Pod Troubles

A post by Chris.

Its Christmas morning and I pretty much know that I am getting an i-pod nano for the occasion. So I wake up, go to church and when we get home I begin to open my gifts and there it is an i-pod. The first thing I look at is the directions on how the thing is supposed to run and it seems pretty self explanatory the only direction is to the effect of plug into the computer and you are all set. So I install the program and plug in my i-pod and away I go and then it happens the i-pod is frozen and for some reason I can not get it unfroze. Here I am on Christmas morning with a gift that I can’t even use because it seems to be frozen. I then begin to call all of my friends and even my family to see if anyone can help me, I finally figure it out myself and begin to load songs on the i-pod.

The i-pod is so great when I am doing work or going for a late night walk to pizza-pizza, I just plug in my headphones and the noise around me is gone. Even as I am sitting here writing this pop culture log I have it plugged in and all the noise around me is silenced and all I can hear is Hillsong blasting in my ear. The only bad thing that I would say about the i-pod is those little headphones that it comes with they hurt my ear so much. I have the big ghetto studio type headphones with a nine foot long cord with these I can’t hear a single thing even tough turtles is trying to talk to me.


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