Sunday, February 05, 2006

Keller Williams Concert

a post by Nyssa

Keller Williams
When someone first thinks of a hippy, what would come to mind? Smelly, dirty, or rebellious? These are stereotypes that have been placed upon them, but in my opinion they are great people. They are creative, fun, embrace community, and most of all produce and enjoy great music! On Friday, the 20th of January 2006, I went to a concert at Lee’s Palace in Toronto on Bloor St. The musical artist that myself and two other friends went to see was Keller Williams. To describe his music, he is an amazing guitar player. He writes songs, with no other purpose than to have fun and to put on a good show. But this show was more than simply music to be enjoyed. The atmosphere that had been created, added much more to the experience as a whole.

Keller attracts a certain breed of people. Mainly attracting those who bring a unique atmosphere along with them. Hippies or bohemians were the majority at this specific event. The sights, sounds, and smells that were there created an atmosphere and environment like no other. The appearance of the people in attendance was more individual, creative, artistic, and unique than people that one would normally meet or see. It’s funny to think that in this culture tie-dye is accepted and enjoyed by many. Who would have thought?! Also, while in a fairly small venue, there are approximately 1500 people crammed closely together. At the same time that all these people are in tight and close quarters, they are all dancing and bouncing around: working up a good sweat. Need I say more about the smell in the venue? Along with this, the smell of marijuana was noticed every so often. This might have been the reason for the carefree nature of most of those in attendance. But what sort of hippy event would this be without it?

Overall though, Keller Williams is a wonderful performer. With all of his guitar loops, various mouth sounds, humorous lyrics, and body movements, Keller puts on a stellar performance. He is unique in every sense of the word. His talent and humour were admirable and entertaining. That was the reason for going: to get together with close friends and have a good night through enjoying great music together. And that is what we got. All in all, this was a wonderful experience and I am so glad that we went.


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